When importing a SCORM course here is a quick check list of things to complete. 

1. Verify the Course is a Scorm 1.2 course.  

In windows explorer, open the zip file and make sure you see IMSMANFEST.XML in the root of the folder. If you do not see IMSMANFEST.XML in the root folder it is not a valid SCORM course. Open the IMSMANIFEST.XML in notepad and look for SCORM 1.2. If you see SCORM 2004 the course is not compatible. 

2. Rename the ZIP file to the Course ID.

The tool vendor or course publishing process should result in a ZIP file. For this exercise lets say you have a ZIP file called The Fundamentals of Applied Dynamics & Creativity.zip

Note the white space and "&" non-alphanumeric letter. 

The ZIP file should be renamed removing the white space and any non-alphanumeric letters. 

A MaxIT recommended best practice is to rename the ZIP file to the course ID you want to use. For the sake of discussion, we will rename the ZIP file from The Fundamentals of Applied Dynamics & Creativity.zip to my desired course id of  L001.zip

3. Log into the System as user with permission to Add Courses. Navigate to Course Manager, Add Course, and Select Scorm (1). You only need to supply the Zip file (2) and the Course ID (3). Other options in the form can be ignored for now. Click Next (4) to start the process. If the course is over 300MBs, please log a support ticket with MaxIT. We can increase the upload size or will upload the course for you. It is suggested you use the Chrome browser as in the bottom left is a progress indicator of upload progress.  

If you followed our renaming conventions and the course is under 300MBs and you have a good Scorm 1.2 course it will magically upload, unzip and register the course into the system, but this is the point where if the import is going to go south it will. If this happens, try to import the course into your staging site. If it fails there, log a support ticket and let us know the name of the ZIP. 

4. If all goes well you will see this message. I highlighted the Test Course link which you should do to make sure it loads. This enrolls ONLY YOU into the course. No one else can access the course at this point. 

At this point the course is now loaded, but there is a little more work. We recommend you go through a few screens, exit. Relaunch. If the course prompts to return to where you left off or just dropped you back to where you left off, it means the course is communicating and chances are you are good to move to your next task. 

If the course does not behave as described, you should navigate to the Course Manager, select the course, select the history tab, select your history record, finally the History Log tab. 

If you do not see the highlight link, time to log a support ticket. 

if you see a link, go ahead and click it. This will open a new browser window or tab and show the results of the course to LMS communication. Scroll to the bottom to see the last parts of the conversation. In this case I completed the lesson and you see I scored 100 and a Passed status was passed. Many courses will use the term Complete instead of passed. 

When a course launches, the course has responsibility to ask (LMSGetValue) for data from the LMS and to put (LMSSetValue) data into the LMS. This log offers an authoritative source of course to LMS communication and should be the first place you look to make sure the course is communicating to the LMS and what it is communicating. 

If you have the resources, it is recommended you have someone complete the entire course against the all the use cases designed in the course and the browsers you want to support. 

5. Your last step is to assign the course to all catalogs or learning tracks so that users in those catalogs or learning tracks can access the course. For a user to be able to access the course, it must be in a catalog or learning track also assigned to the user.