Sometimes, the associated history of of a course needs to be moved to a new Course ID, without deleting original or existing Course ID. Here are the steps to perform this task:
1. Go to COURSES and click on the original CourseID name. In this example, we will move the history of CLS002 to the new CourseID CLS003. Notice in the illustration below the history assigned to course CLS003.
2. Select Manager Menu | ADMINISTRATION, and under the Utilities label, click on CHANGE PRIMARY KEY.
3. In Change Primary KeyAdmin page, just like changing the LearnerID, there are 4 options that need to be set when moving the history of a course to the another CourseID.
a.) In Table drop down menu, select on CourseID.
b.) The two Merge option lets the System Administrator determine whether to merge the two identified courses, or in this case, move the history from one course to another, respectively. To move the history from one course to another, while keeping both courses (thus Course IDs), select the second option, Change all, except the Primary key.
c.) Enter the 'source' CourseID that has the history, inside the Original Key field.
d.) Next, enter the 'target' CourseID, or the one that will receive the history. When ready, press the GO button. A confirmation text displays when the task is completed.
4. When ready, open the Courses page open the 'target course.' In this example, the course CLS003 is opened and the History tab is clicked. As illustrated below, the history original assigned to CLS002 in now associated to CLS003. Also note that the original course CLS002 still exists.
5. In the illustration below, the course CLS002 is opened, the History tab clicked, to reveal that the assigned history is no longer associated to this course.