When engaging MaxIT for support, you can compress the time for issue resolution by providing as many details as possible in your support ticket request. Consider the following as best practices when submitting a support ticket. 

  • If you are troubleshooting an error, please include two screen captures. 
    • The 1st capture is the screen before an error. 
    • The 2nd capture is of the error. 
    • Please copy and paste the URL into the support ticket of the page you are on when the issue occurs. This confirms if you are on production or staging, as well as the location of where the problem has occurred.
    • Let us know your login id (never send your password) and anything else which can help set the stage, such as the course, learning track, class, trainer... etc. The more data you give us, the better our response time.
    • Tell us the approximate date and time of the incident as we can cross reference against logs, if needed.
    • What browser were you using when the problem occurred? (Very important!)  
      • Try clearing your cache and try again, before submitting a support ticket.
      • Make sure you are running the latest version of the target browser before submitting a support ticket.
      • Browsers keep changing, so there may be issues with the latest update! 

  • If your question is more "how do I...", then do the following:
    • Please check the knowledge base at https://abilitylms.freshdesk.com/support/home
    • If you are a learning administrator, refer to the Certified Learning Administrator (CLA) program documents. Send us a support request if you don't know where to access these documents for your site.
    • If you still need to engage support, please offer as much information as possible about the problem or need. 
      • This includes a screen capture of where you are in the system. This can offer needed context to the question you are asking. 
      • Another useful piece of information is a brief description of the problem you are trying to solve. It might be there is a different / better / faster way to address the need. 
  • Make sure your question(s) are precise and clear, with all related details. Here are a few examples where there were delayed responses to incomplete questions:
    • "The course won't launch".  There is no way MaxIT can discern which course to test. By knowing the Course Title and/or Course ID and learner doing the launching, we can check to see if there is a problem with the Course Type, the individual course, or learner record. 
    • "How do I filter on the 'Not Taken' status?"  With 80+ reports (most clients only use a handful of reports), it will be difficult to provide a solution. Reports are all different and may not support certain columns of data. By knowing about which report you are asking, we can review and provide specific steps on "How to" modify a report.
    • "I completed my training but the system still says I am in progress." Again, with no details ,such as the Course Title or Course ID or affected learner, how can MaxIT know where to start reviewing? The learner might have trained to an older version, the course might have workflows to complete, the learner might be referring to a track status which considers all courses or only a single course in which case we have to look at the track structure. This class of problem tends to be easy and fast to solve, but only when we get the needed details;otherwise, we need to get more information and this adds to the delay in issue resolution.  
  • Please do not create a support ticket with multiple issues. A support ticket should only have details about a single problem. Submit a ticket for each question and/or problem.
  • Please DO NOT submit another question, problem or issue when replying to a MaxIT response to an existing support ticket. Additional questions and request should be about the related issue and/or response. Additional questions and requests should be about the related issue and/or response.



  • For user experience related problems within the online course, it is recommended you engage your course developer/vendor for their support before submitting a support ticket to MaxIT.  This is because an eLearning course is a 3rd party application you purchased from a 3rd party or you developed in a 3rd party authoring tool. Clicking launch to start an eLearning course is like opening Microsoft Word on your PC or Twitter on your Smartphone. If in the middle of using Word and it started not work right, you wouldn't call your PC manufacturer, right? 
  • The role of Ability for eLearning is to track the communication from the course. The course has responsibility to send data, which by the way, each and every communication is logged and you can be trained to read the log. This means you can know if the course ever sent a PASS or SCORE, which means you can easily assess if someone swears they completed the training whether the eLearning ever told Ability the user was finished. 
  • Remember, the course is a 3rd party application. It is an application we did not build and while we will always try to be helpful; when you engage us for support for a problem in an application not from MaxIT, you will get better bang for your time by engaging the actual developers. 
  • The only exception is when MaxIT is the course developer or when MaxIT has provided the training as part of a subscription.
  • If you determine there is a need to engage MaxIT for eLearning support needs, before posting that support ticket, please refer to our knowledge base to help you in troubleshooting courseware using this link https://abilitylms.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/33000134525. We are really good at solving problems, and the knowledge here reflects decades of experience. 
  • If your course vendor is out of business, or the course vendor is not willing to support their content:
    • MaxIT can be engaged to troubleshoot courseware behavior.  
    • Third Party courseware support requires Professional Service, with a 2 hour minimum charge. 
    • While we cannot promise we can resolve every problem with an online course, we are really good at detecting the issue(s). 
    • MaxIT can also be engaged to recreate your course and resolve related issues. This does require Professional Services. Such services can be submitted as a support ticket.