Adobe, the makers of FLASH have a wonderful HELP resource in troubleshooting FLASH. If you are not getting a course to run (also often called a white screen) and it is determined it is a FLASH-based course, please exhaust this resource before engaging MaxIT. When you launch into an e-learning course you leave AbilityLMS. An e-learning course is a web application in its own right. It is the course that invokes FLASH not AbilityLMS. It is the course using FLASH to present the content, so a problem like a course freeze or a white screen is not in AbilityLMS; it is in the course. We will always try to be helpful, but contacting us for a problem in the course can introduce a delay in solving the problem when you really need to engage the creators of the course. 

To access the FLASH help resource go this web address:

To enable FLASH for most browsers (also found on this web site which may be more current) try these web addresses: 

For Internet Explorer, see Enable Flash Player for Internet Explorer.

For Internet Explorer on Windows 10, see Enable Flash Player for IE on Windows 10.

 For Edge on Windows 10, see Enable Flash Player for Edge on Windows 10.

For Firefox on any OS, see Enable Flash Player for Firefox.

For Safari on Mac OS, see Enable Flash Player for Safari.

For Google Chrome, see Enable Flash Player for Chrome.

For Opera, see Enable Flash Player for Opera.