When a course has a pre-requisite, that means that the Learner cannot take course B until he or she has completed course A.

TIP: Set up the prerequisites before you assign people to the training. Otherwise, people will have history before a prerequisite was assigned.

In the image below, there are 13 courses. In our example, the Training Administrator wants Learners finish one course such as "01 People" before staring the next courses.

Here are the steps the Training Administrator would need to do in order to assign a pre-requisites to a course.

1. Open up the second course, go to the COURSE WORKFLOWS tab and click on the green plus (+) icon to open the COURSE WORKFLOW PAGE window.

2. Select PREREQUISITE COURSE and click on the NEXT button.

3. In COURSE ACTIVITY ID, select the prerequisite course, in this example we will choose "01 People (LWC-101)", select finished for the STATUS ON PASS and All for STEP CONSTRAINT. Once done click on SAVE AND CLOSE WINDOW.

4. Once the prerequisite course is saved it will appear on the "02 Courses (LWC-102)" page on the Course Workflows tab.

5. The Training Administrator would then repeat the above instructions for the remaining courses.