So you want to replace an AICC course with a SCORM course and keep the same course id. This article will show you how. It is assumed you are a System Admin and are familiar with the change primary key feature.
We will start with an AICC course id = CP-AML and a new SCORM course id = CP-AML-SCORM. The desired outcome is for the CP-AML-SCORM course to use the CP-AML course id so that all future launches will be based on the SCORM version of the course and not the AICC version of the course. All historical records, all assignments and other related works should remain based on the CP-AML course.
There are few housekeeping details to consider.
Any users in-progress will need to be cancelled when you pull the new course live as they will have tracking based on the AICC tracking method. For CP-AML you will want to edit each record and change the status to cancel. If you have more than 50 records to edit, log a support ticket and we can run a database query to update the records for you. Perhaps you should consider sending them an email and give them a few days to complete the training. To just change the course id from one type to another without dealing with users in-progress is going to lead to support calls.
Second, it is recommended you enter the course ids and not copy and paste. Quite often a copy and paste operation will add a leading or trailing space in the way the text gets selected, and that space becomes part of the course id. A leading or trailing space can cause all sorts of headaches when it comes to reporting so just be sure you check for leading and trailing spaces or just manually type the course ids.
The steps:
1. Make sure none of the new courses have been assigned to any of the catalogs or tracks of the old courses. This is easy. Just select each course, and look at the where used tab. If new courses, you should only see it linked to the LearnerWeb Catalog which can be ignored.
2. Using the change Primary Key, change the old course id to the new course with the EXCEPT option selected as shown below. This will roll all history and assignments to the new course id. It is important to select the right Merge option or you will generate an error.
3. Use Change Primary Key to make a back-up of the old course. This time using the Change ALL option as shown. I prefer to change the old course id to keep a back-up incase an oops occurs. Once you are done with the steos defined here, you can delete the old course id. When this step is done CP-AML no longer exists in the system.
4. Roll the NEW course back to the original id. Since you old AICC course is now an entirely different course id, you can change the new course id to the original course id. Again, please pay attention to the MERGE option. Viola, course type is not changed!
5. I recommend you validate the is only one launch URL. Navigate to the course record, then the course module record, in this case CP-AML, and validate there is only one launch record. You may have a version of the system where it keeps the old launch url. All versions circa 2018 do not.
6. When done, inspect the courses. Perhaps edit the title to be based on the old Course ID.
Which is what I have done:
If you do not need the old course id, at this point it is okay to delete the old course, in this case... CP-AML-OLD